Red Hat Ansible Automation Workshop

Red Hat Ansible Workshop

Red Hat Ansible Automation helps IT Teams become a better partner to lines of business. It provides agility, increases productivity, and helps you get to market faster. With Ansible Automation you can cut the cost of production and focus on what matters most.

Red Hat’s Automation Platform provides simple, agent-less IT automation technology. Improve current processes and provide a single language for DevOps practices across the organization.

If you’d like to learn more about Red Hat Ansible, take a moment to view the video below from a recent workshop that we held on Ansible Automation. If you’re interested in being included in further workshops please drop us a note below through the contact form and we’ll be sure to include you on our Webinar Communications list. Enjoy!


Red Hat Ansible Workshop Presented by TxMQ


From SOAs to Microservices – A Journey from Legacy to Modernization

Work Smarter with TxMQ Webinar Series 

Presented by TxMQ

Hosted by Arnold Shoon Solutions Director at TxMQ  

The once-common practice of operating large, monolithic software systems supported on-premises is quickly changing. With the adoption of the cloud, microservices, and the new API economy, once slow-moving organizations have been challenged to accept new methodologies like DevOps to become increasingly agile to keep up with the competition. 

Existing mainframe customers that are currently heavily invested in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) may be challenged to find the right tools and frameworks to start. 

In our discussion, Arnold Shoon breaks down the importance of APIs outlining some of the benefits of utilizing more agile development and deployment methods and discusses some of the tools available to organizations that are transitioning into the new API Economy. 

Below you can view the complete recording as well as the associated slide deck. Enjoy, and don’t forget to give us some feedback. We would love to hear any suggestions you have or subjects you would like to see covered in future webinars. Let us know here.


IBM MQ Organize Your Team For An Upgrade

TxMQ Work Smarter Webinar Series

Organizing Your Team For an IBM MQ Large-Scale Upgrade

Presented by TxMQ

Featuring John Carr Sr. Solutions Architect at TxMQ

IBM MQ is the most important part of your business you rarely notice until there’s an issue.

It’s a great tool to keep your business running smoothly and give your customers the service they expect. At TxMQ we know Middleware and we are very passionate about IBM MQ. So much so, that we have dedicated a part of our practice to keeping your MQ up and running the way it should be, reliable and secure.

At TxMQ we are proud to present our second installment in our Webinar Series dedicated to IBM MQ. For Part 2, in continuation of our IBM MQ Upgrade Best Practices theme, we will outline how to organize your team for a large-scale upgrade. (If you missed Part 1 you can catch up here.)

Economies of scale aren’t limited to the cloud. As an MQ administrator, you most likely manage a large, diverse MQ network using traditional commodity or virtual servers on-prem. On top of that, you’re challenged with upgrading to MQ 9.x with limited resources.

How should you approach your upgrade in such economies of scale?

This session walks you through the challenges (from server management to security, to deployment) and gives food-for-thought on how to organize yourself and your team. The discussion is hosted by industry expert and Sr. Solutions Architect with TxMQ, John Carr.

Below you can view the complete recording as well as the associated slide deck. Enjoy, and don’t forget to give us some feedback. We would love to hear any suggestions you have or subjects you would like to see covered in future webinars. Let us know here.

If you would like to talk further or need some help with your MQ, reach out to us here and let us know how we can help.

IBM MQ Upgrade Best Practices

Work Smart with IBM MQ Webinar Series

Presented by TxMQ

IBM MQ is an important part of keeping your business running smoothly and giving your customers the service they expect. At TxMQ we know Middleware and we are very passionate about IBM MQ. So much so, that we have dedicated a part of our practice to keeping your MQ up and running the way it should be, reliable and secure.

At TxMQ we are proud to present our new Webinar Series dedicated to IBM MQ. For our first installment, we decided to cover a paramount topic: “IBM MQ Upgrade Best Practices”.

To ensure reliability and mitigate downtime it’s important to utilize the best version of MQ for your operation and to know how to make the transition to the next version when the time is right. This has always been an important subject with many of our customers, so please enjoy our first installment in this series outlining best practices for upgrading your IBM MQ. The discussion is hosted by industry expert and Sr. Consultant with TxMQ, John Carr.

Below you can view the complete recording as well as the associated slide deck, with additional bonus content not in the original presentation to help you in your MQ upgrade preparations. Enjoy, and don’t forget to give us some feedback.

We would love to hear any suggestions you have or subjects you would like to see covered in future webinars. Let us know here.
If you would like to talk further or need some help with your MQ, reach out to us here and let us know how we can help.


Webinar: Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Webinar: Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

This informative webinar on blockchain and distributed ledger technology, presented by TxMQ’s Chuck Fried, with co-hosts Craig Drabik and Miles Roty, dives into distributed ledger technology and how it has the potential to transform entire industries.

Distributed Ledger Technology has the potential to be truly transformational.

  • By 2022 at least one innovative business built on blockchain will be worth $10 Billion.
  • By 2030 30% of the global customer base will be made up of things, and those things will use blockchain as a foundational technology with which to conduct commercial activity.
  • By 2025, the business value by blockchain will grow to slightly over $176 Billion, then surge to exceed $3.1 Trillion by 2030.

How will Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology affect your industry?

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To watch the webinar recording from 01/18/2018 please fill out the form below.

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MQ, The Digital Economy & You

IBM MQ continues to evolve to meet the expanding needs of the digital economy. We encounter many organizations that have yet to take full advantage of the capabilities they’ve invested in their MQ backbone. Learn about the new MQ physical appliance, as well as the MQ virtual appliance (available exclusively from TxMQ). Other topics include secure transfer, cloud messaging and more.

Webinar: IBM DataPower Saves Healthcare Payer $500k Annually

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Webinar: IBM DataPower Saves Healthcare Payer 500k Annually

This informative webinar on IBM DataPower, presented by TxMQ’s Bob Becktell, details how IBM’s DataPower XB62 is helping Medical Mutual of Ohio realize $500k ROI. Bob was one of TxMQ’s lead consultants on site at MMO and led the project from conception through the finish.

  • Setting Up Trading Partner Gateway
  • Developing B2B Infrastructure Solution
  • IBM DataPower XB62 Appliance
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Secure Data Exchange

The webinar can be viewed in the player below, or contact us to download an MP4 version to your drive or mobile device.
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Webinar: Middleware Monitoring & Management

This informative webinar, presented by TxMQ, offers both a macro and micro look into the middleware space, with the goal to better inform participants about how to monitor their middleware applications and manage their capacity planning.

  • How day-to-day monitoring mindset affects tools and implementation
  • Options for base-level and application-level monitoring
  • IHS / Apache
  • DB2 / Oracle/ SQLServer
  • Server / VM / LPAR
  • Day-to-day monitoring for availability and performance
  • Growing and managing your infrastructure
  • Capacity planning for growth
  • Source and summary data
  • Tool concerns
  • Best practices

Webinar: The Value of Third-Party System HealthChecks

Have you considered the value of inviting a third party to review your middleware infrastructure? TxMQ’s HealthCheck service provides a technical evaluation of your middleware environment that includes measures of:

  • Performance
  • Scalability
  • Configuration
  • Security

TxMQ also evaluates your implementation from a best-practices standpoint. Use this evaluation to compare your company to current standards, as well as to your peers and competitors.