When to Automate BPM: Top 5 Questions

As we wade even deeper into the digital economy, workload automation has become more of a necessity and less of an amenity. Customers and clients expect you to be able to produce results in real time, and a more robust BPM (business process management) automation tool can get you there. Gone are the days when BPM tools were simply helpful, now they are essential for every industry.
Banking: Your customers need to manage their accounts online and receive accurate information about their finances.
Utilities: Predicting and preventing blackouts will keep your customers satisfied and detecting meter fraud will boost your bottom line.
Sales: Monitor and adjust custom-designed analytics that help you target the right audience with the right message.
IT management: Automate data-intensive or computing-intensive processes to boost the efficiency and accuracy of your IT department.
Internal workflow: Bridge the gap between business and IT with workflow that moves more fluidly between employees and departments.
A more robust BPM tool will help you align business processes more effectively with your customer expectations. If your company is struggling to keep up with customer demands and adapt to changing technology, BPM could help your business grow.
When is it time to consider using a more robust BPM automation tool?

  1. Multiple User Access: Does your business process span departments and route to various user roles?  Are there multiple types of user authority? Are there multiple ways (fax, email, mobile app, etc.) to trigger the process?  Do you need to allow for multiple types of user access (view, update, admin)? How many users will require access?
  2. Integration: Is there a need for integration with other applications? Does the process need to access or update multiple data sources? How and where is the data captured and stored? How much data and in what form is data being passed from step to step in the process?
  3. Complexity: Does it take more than 2-3 steps to complete a process? Does the information have to be escalated to more than one approver? Are there many roles or actors involved? Are there multiple inputs that trigger the business process? Are there many exceptions? Are there many decision points?
  4. Monitoring and Analytics: Is there a need for visibility to track and monitor the progress of the process? Do you want to measure the process based on cost and time? Are there KPIs you want to view? Is there a need for insight to each of the process instances?
  5. Room for Growth: Is there a need to have the environment scalable? Based on the number of users and the amount of data and other applications interfacing with the process, is performance important? Is it important to have the environment portable to different platforms?

Companies that successfully implement BPM automation tools typically experience a number of benefits including increased productivity, improved metrics, insight into operations and reduced costs. Careful pre-planning for BPM automation will ensure a more successful and cost effective implementation.

4 Ways BPM Can Boost Healthcare Revenue

Healthcare – it’s the digital era’s slipperiest slope. On the one hand, technology can greatly enhance the way we document and share patient data. On the other hand, since digital health records are vulnerable to security breaches, there are complex regulations about how providers record this data.
What does this dichotomy add up to? A cluster of complicated conundrums, that’s for sure. Unused data swells up behind bottlenecks, patients don’t have enough access to information, hackers have too much access to information and confusing legislation gets churned out constantly to try and smooth out the process. On top of all that, there are old school providers who not only have trouble digitally documenting encounters, they have trouble even understanding why they’re supposed to do it this way in the first place.
That’s why I think it’s important that healthcare organizations consider using BPM (business process management) solutions. The only way to sort out the mess is to streamline your workflow, so that the decision-makers in your organization can analyze the entire landscape of your healthcare documentation process. Here are some ways BPM can help:

  • Take advantage of data analytics
  • Respond to tech and policy developments in the industry
  • Plan for and meet important state and federal deadlines
  • Manage software applications used in routine encounters
  • Coordinate information exchange, which improves quality of care
  • Get different providers and team members on the same page

So that’s a nutshell version of how BPM software can improve efficiency, streamline workflow and promote collaboration in healthcare. But what does that mean for your company? How does that translate into more revenue?
4 Ways BPM Can Boost Healthcare Revenue

  • Reduce documentation and billing errors – Less errors means more payments and better reimbursements. With a streamlined workflow you don’t have to stress out about losing income because your providers struggle with their EMRs.
  • Earn incentive payments – Payment reform is a reality. The more valuable care you provide, the more opportunities you have to receive incentive payments from the private and public sector.
  • Boost patient satisfaction – When your patients are happy, they spread the word. If your patients are unhappy, they spread it even louder. Satisfied patients improve your reputation as a provider focused on quality care.
  • Claims Processing — BPM can help you smoothly handle claims, compliance and reporting activities. You can issue invoices and receive payments in a more timely manner.

If you think BPM could help your healthcare organization unwind a few knots, you have a lot of options. However, if you find you’re short on time or personnel, consider contacting TxMQ. Our capability partnership means that we offer an initial analysis to determine your needs and then develop and deploy the right BPM solution. We also have access to highly-trained technical professionals that you can contract to maintain your solution or even train your employees on how to use it efficiently.

White Paper: SmartGridSB Solution Delivers Real-Time Visibility & Actionable Insight For Utilities Sector

Utilities companies have widely embraced smart meter technology, but often fail to implement networking tools and analytics to harvest actionable data from this new smart meter network.
Smart Grid Smart Business (SmartGridSB) delivers a real-time solution that empowers energy and utility companies to automate proactive, cost-saving decisions about infrastructure and operations. These automations are based on the integration of smart meter networks with analytic software solutions, which drive event correlation and decision management. The SmartGridSB solution provides visibility, insight and analytic awareness for smart grid operations. It streamlines information within the operational processes to identify patterns and analyze data that enable you to make the best response and then implement the correct action in less time.

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